Winner of another award - Erhvervsprisen 2023

Energy Cool receives another award, and what an honor.
We are very honored to receive Business Fredericia's Erhvervspris 2023.
Business director Kristian Bendix Drejer states:
"We have gathered to celebrate innovation and visionary leadership in Fredericia, by awarding Business Fredericia's Erhvervspris 2023. It is not just an award, but a recognition of success, but also inspired by future growth and development in our local community. In all in the years Business Fredericia has existed, this award has been a symbol of extraordinary performance and commitment.
This year we have had an overwhelming interest in candidates in play and six finalists. After a thorough assessment by our board and debate, we have made a decision. The company we celebrate is not just a company, but a beacon of innovation and responsibility. With around 25 employees, they have constantly had their finger on the pulse, and have always been several steps ahead of global developments regarding their pioneering approach to the green transition and ability to foresee trends five to ten years into the future, he explained, saying that the company is also environmentally conscious, and a year ago built a green concept factory that will be copied globally for the production of small green data centers."
Fredericia is Denmark's knowledge center for green energy and innovation, which makes this recognition a major milestone on Energy Cool's journey towards a more sustainable future.
Thank you to Business Fredericia, Fredericia Municipality, local partners and all employees of Energy Cool for the honor.

Summer at Energy Cool: Sustainable Innovations 🌞🌿

Energy Cool’s Sustainable ESG Vision